Preparation for First Holy Communion

Is your child a baptised catholic around seven years of age or older? Do you think they are ready to prepare to receive Holy Communion?

If so please read on …

For a number of reasons, including the fact that only a few families choose to practise their faith in our parishes and the obligation of the priest to ensure that children are properly prepared and disposed to receive Holy Communion, preparation will take place within the parish.

As parents, you have the primary duty of preparing your children. This is done mainly by your faithfulness to the solemn duty you accepted when your child was baptised to ‘bring them up to keep God’s commandments as Christ taught us’ and ‘to bring them up in the practice of the faith’. Much of this will be done in the family at home, teaching your children about Jesus, helping them to recognise that he is God, helping them to grow in knowledge and love of Jesus especially through prayer, keeping the commandments and caring for others, some aspects however are public especially joining the community of the baptised to meet Jesus at Mass each week.

Preparation will generally last about four months with regular meetings in addition to weekly attendance at Mass. If a child wishes to begin receiving Holy Communion they need to be coming to Mass and to attend all the meetings, this is the main way in which the priest can exercise his obligation to decide whether or not children are properly disposed to receive Holy Communion.

Parish priest will be periodically inviting any parents who regularly come to Mass, and who think their child is ready, to begin preparation at their own time and pace.

In short – keep your ears open for announcements at Mass.