Three things:
First. Whilst it is right to make a careful choice about what we are giving up and what we are doing for Lent we should take note that Our Lord is ‘driven by the spirit’ into the wilderness for his forty day fast. First and foremost it isn’t Our Lords decision – he does it in obedience to the Father’s will. Of course in Jesus, his will, what he wants coincides exactly with the Father’s will, but it’s the Father’s will that comes first. We should be sensitive to, listen to the Father’s will, the prompting of the Spirit throughout lent in the choices we make.
Second. Be aware of the signs of God’s love during Lent. The rainbow is a reminder of God’s love of his promise to save the World. Pick a sign during lent to remind you of Gods love. Waking up every morning, having someone you can phone, having clean water on tap. It could be anything but say a prayer of thanksgiving each time it happens.
Third. Peter’s attempt at answering the question of what happens to those who died before Jesus opened up heaven by his death and resurrection. Peter says that after he had died Jesus’ soul, his spirit goes to preach to the dead, to reveal to them the message of salvation. It’s another way of saying Jesus becomes like us to save us, so that we can become like him. That reminded me that when we fast. – the main reason isn’t to loose weight or congratulate ourselves on our will power it’s to experience hunger and weakness which remind us of our need for God. Jesus became weak and powerless to reveal to us our utter dependence on the Father’s love. Our physical hunger, even our longing for chocolate or coffee can help us recognise our need fir, our longing for, God.