Most Holy Trinity

The first reading is in awe of the one God. The Lord, a mighty God of power, the only God, the God who cares for his people. A God whose law and commandments we must keep if we want happiness and life. But God cannot be measured, God is always more that we can think. Jesus reveals this. When God the Son becomes man in the womb of the Virgin a process begins which makes God fully known to us and invites us to share in what God is.

The Gospel we are called to proclaim is that God loved the world so much that he gives his only Son so that all who believe may have eternal life. At the heart of the gospel is what St Paul speaks of in the second reading. God the Holy Spirit makes us sharers in Jesus’ Sonship of the Father, so we share the same relationship with God the Father as God the Son. Calling God Abba, Father.

The eternal Father has always gives everything he has and is, in love to his eternal Son: From all eternity God is complete, the Father giving himself in the love that gives the Son existence, the Son returning all he has received to the Father, the Holy Spirit being the place of that giving and receiving and returning of love. And yet God loves each of us so much that the Father surrenders the Son to the cross, to the punishment our sins deserve. Because by doing this the Son, loving us to the end, reveals the greatness of the Father’s love for us, the love at the heart of God the love to which our hearts are opened by the Holy Spirit.

One useful way to meditate upon the great mystery of God’s inner life which Jesus has revealed to us is to reflect upon the one to whom we are praying. Sometimes it’s obvious. Our Father is praying to God the Father, Come Holy Spirit is addressed to God the Holy Spirit and Lord I am not worthy to receive you is addressed to Jesus, God the Son. The Eucharistic prayer is prayed through the Son, to the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit. But when we are saying our private prayers it is also a good question to ask.

If we pray to the Father we pray to the one Jesus reveals, and to whom Jesus enables us to pray by the gift of the Holy Spirit, if we pray to Jesus we recognise in him the Father he reveals, if we pray to the Holy Spirit we pray to the one who is sent by the Father and Son the one who makes it possible for us to pray and to believe.

The mystery of God, Father Son and Holy Spirit, revealed by Jesus, is the mystery of Divine Love, human love is difficult enough to comprehend, but if because it puzzles us and makes demands of us we decided not to have anything to do with love we would be sad inhuman people. How much more true us this of Divine love. God wants us to know him, love him and serve him, in this life and be happy in the next. For this reason he has revealed to us that to know and love the One God, is to know and love Father through the Son by the power of the Holy Spirit.