Take a look at Fastrack CAFOD’s youth website full of great articles, action, campaigns and fun stuff.

Catholic Youth Ministry
On behalf of the Bishop’s of England and Wales the CYS support the catholic youth ministry community.

Faith movement
A group of priests, religious and lay Catholics drawn together by a shared vision of Christ.

Sion community
Lots of stuff going on for young people including mission team, leadership training and youth programme for gap year students.

Youth 2000
An independent, international initiative that helps young adults aged 16-35 plug back into God at the heart of the Roman Catholic Church.

Youth Cafe
6 sessions based around DVDs. Explore your faith….ask questions….have fun!

Young Catholic Workers
An organisation which links groups of young people/young adults together through friendship, formation and action.

Youth SVP
Youth SVP is a voluntary Christian organisation. When you join a Youth SVP group, you volunteer to offer one-to-one help and support to people in need in the local community.