
Parish Pilgrimages to Lourdes

Each year some of our parishioners make a pilgrimage to Lourdes, generally in August.
The money to help fund the pilgrimage is generally raised from an Annual Sponsored Walk and we are very fortunate to have a very generous parish where people are always ready to give!

Photos from Lourdes pilgrimage in 2019

Photos from Lourdes pilgrimage in 2016

Photos from Lourdes pilgrimage in 2015

Photos from Lourdes pilgrimage in 2012

Centenary Flower Festival – 2012

Welcome to the First Flower Festival of St Wulstan’s Church in Great Harwood.

The Festival was held to commemorate the 100 years of the Church and to give thanks for all the clergy; organisations and parishioners past and present who have contributed so much to the life of the Church.

The main theme of the festival was “Celebration” and the main focus was on the Sacraments and Church Life but as 2012 also marked the Queen’s Golden Jubilee and the Olympic Games it was felt that we also needed to pay tribute to these.

Tour of the Holy Land – 2012

In September 2012 a few of our parishioners along with Father Clarke went on a tour of the Holy Land.